
THDL Toolbox > Places & Geography > THDL Gazetteer > Gazetteer DTD Decoded For Dummies > Time Element

Details for the element "time" from the THDL Gazetteer DTD Decoded for Dummies

Definition of the Element

<!ELEMENT time       (intervalname*, date, date?, authority?)>
<!ATTLIST time       %a.common;>

Description of the Element

The temporal period covered by the parent element, e.g. in a feature name context, the time during which a geogname was in use or in a place context, the time during which the feature existed at the given location. The presence of two date sub-elements implies a date range. If multiple date ranges are required, the time element should be repeated

Attributes of the Element

The attribute "time" is %a.common.

XML Markup Examples


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