Personal Names Cited In Blue Annals

Tibetan Texts > Specific Tibetan Text Studies > Deb Ther Sngon Po (blue Annals) > Reference Resources - The Blue Annals > Personal Names

Personal Names Cited in the Blue Annals

  1. Personal Names ka-kha-ga-nga
  2. Personal Names ca-cha-ja-nya
  3. Personal Names ta-tha-da-na
  4. Personal Names pa-pha-ba-ma
  5. Personal Names tsa-tsha-dza-wa
  6. Personal Names zha-za-'a-ya
  7. Personal Names ra-la-sha-sa-ha-a


The current page provides links to simple tables providing an exhaustive list of personal names in the Blue Annals. Each name is given here with name, reference, phonetic name, type and description. The description is intended to only be a brief description of the role of the person in the Blue Annals passages.

See the Biographical Entry Manual for guidelines to the creation of a structured biographical study of an individual.

We added in additional fields - Ethnicity, Sect, Birth, Death - at the last minute, without adding those columns to the individual rows. Thus we need to systematically add the additional four "pipes/vertical lines" at the end of the row to reflect these columns.

In the simple tables, "type" and "ethnicity" is filled out through reliance upon the "Types (rigs)" section of the above Manual. If you can't find the right type, add it into the Manual's typology.

"Sect" should be filled out by consultation with the Encyclopedia of Religions and Sects.

If you want to make a full biographical sketch, then go to the THDL Biographical Encyclopedia and make a new WIKI page named with the person's phonetic name and their birth and death years separated by a hyphen. For example "Joseph 1415-1489". Then also use the link to the new WIKI page from the brief entry in these tables by surrounding the Tibetan name with brackets, and then putting a pipe/vertical line and then the "global name" of the new WIKI page after the pipe. You can get the global name by clicking on the INFO link, and then scrolling down to where it gives the global name of the WIKI page.