'dul Ba Gzhi Cataloging

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'dul ba gzhi Cataloging

Here is a list of questions that Bill McGrath found when trying to catalog the 'dul ba gzhi of the Dege Kangyur:

Questions for Cataloging

total sidesWhere do you want me to put the total sides for each individual volume? The far right column?
The standard number of lines per folio is 7. The first page has 5 and the second has 6. Thus 3/7 are blank at first, which equals -0.428 sides. Should I look for other page differentials?
Use the -0.428, dont look for others
TAI numberField present in NGB file, but not in D-Kg file. Should I add it?Add, then we will change in XML
Kaneko numberField present in NGB file, but not in D-Kg file. Should I add it?Add, then we will change in XML
provenance figuresThere aren't authors in the Kangyur…do we want to delete this row?
We need to change the format of the provenance figures, right? Make a row for Group 1 with the group information, then a row for Indian Scholars with that info, etc? Neither of the documents I was supplied use this format.
Do we want the pagination of each individual, or the whole group?
What should I do with the Sanskrit renderings?
Delete author row. Add new groups to far right column as a note. Write pagination in trans source field.
trans sourceField present in NGB file, but not in D-Kg file. Should I add it?Add, then we will change in XML
normalized title
normalized source
both of these fields are repeated (the very beginning and the middle of the form); should I treat these differently at all? 
body sectionsbecause there were originally no paginations for the section titles, I copied and pasted the beginning of the pagination for each bampo into the body section title pagination. Although this is the correct pagination, it may omit any paginations that go from one line to the other:
bam po lnga bcu rtsa gcig pa/ - kha: 275a.7-286a.6
now reads:
bam po lnga bcu rtsa gcig pa/ (kha: 275a.7) - kha: 275a.7-286a.6
body sectionsIn the case of the gzhi sections, there are two body section titles listed; that of the beginning and the end and there are slight differences. I deleted the ending title and only left the beginning title. Is this a good move? e.g.:
gos kyi gzhi'i bsdus pa'i som (ga 50a.7) OR gos kyi gzhi (115b.5) - ga: 50a.7-115b.5
now reads:
kyi gzhi'i bsdus pa'i som/ (ga: 50a.7) - ga: 50a.7-115b.5
closing sectionare the follow closing sections valid? Can I use these:
Translator Aspiration Prayer
Admonition Verses
body sectionsthe nesting order is still not quite clear, I will leave this for you, Steve! 

Notes for Conversion

PaginationsBecause there are several volumes, I have used this format vol. letter: pagination, e.g.:
ka: 1b.1-311a.6
kha: 1b.1-317a.7
ga: 1b.1-293a.6
nga: 1b.1-302a.5
Page differentialsThere is no page differential section. Thus they are added in the fourth column and will need to be entered manually. 
Provenance figuresWe can't put more than one figure in each cell, right? I have put additional groups and figures in the fourth column.
Figures and groups(?) need ID numbers.
trans sourceCheck to see if we want to put the source in this cell, e.g.:
Translator’s colophon, nga: 302a.2

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