Cataloging Workflow

THL Toolbox > Tibetan Texts > Cataloging Tibetan Texts > Cataloging Workflow

Cataloging Workflow

Contributor(s): THL Staff.

Cataloging the texts of a collection involves the following steps. These assume that one has determined a sigla for the edition by consulting a THL technologist. The steps then proceed as follows:

  1. Download one of the following forms that fits the project at hand:
  2. Create a folder for the edition based on the sigla.
  3. Within that folder, create a folder for each volume of the collection. The folder names should be “v01”, “v02”, etc.
  4. Create an entry form template. To do this, take the desired entry form and enter all information that remains the same for all texts such as edition title, sigla, your identification, and the date. Then, use a copy of this for each text you catalog. NOTE: this needs to be done in consultation with THL's programmers (or other programmers) since the converter will need to be modified for each cataloging project.
  5. Create a catalog entry for each text in each volume and save it in the appropriate volume folder. The file names for the catalog entries should be according to the formula: sigla-text number-bib.doc. For example, Tb-004-bib.doc. The text numbers should proceed sequentially throughout the catalog. Thus, if volume 1 ends with text 013, then volume 2 begins with text 014. The information entered in each form will be briefly described in the sections below.

For some cataloging resources, see our Reference Lists For Cataloguing.

Detailed Cataloging Manuals

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