Author Abstract And Brief Biographical Statement

THL Toolbox > Essays > THL Staff Documentation for XML Essays > Author Abstract and Brief Biographical Statement

Staff Instructions for Brief Abstract and Brief Biographical Statement

Contributor(s): José Cabezón, Michael Cox, David Germano, Nathaniel Grove, Alison Melnick, Steven Weinberger.

Authors will be asked to provide a short (150-word maximum) abstract and a short (100-word maximum) biographical statement with their articles. They are also required to sign a standard author agreement and to send send a digital photo of themselves, preferably doing fieldwork.

If an author has not sent her bio or photo, you may be asked to email her and request that she provide both. In the case that you are going to email an author to request a bio, it is helpful to include a description of what we would like her to include. For details on all of the above, go to the Brief Abstract and Brief Biographical Statement page.

Once all bios for an issue have been received, copy and paste these into one Metadata table and apply Word styles to any terms that require it. Then, upload the file to the authors bio for that particular issue.

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