Copy The Essay Into The Template And Convert The Text To Times Extended Roman Font

THL Toolbox > Essays > THL Staff Documentation for XML Essays > Copy the Essay Into the Template and Convert the Text to Times Extended Roman Font

Staff Instructions for how to Copy the Essay into the Template and Convert the Text to Times Extended Roman Font

Contributor(s): José Cabezón, Michael Cox, David Germano, Nathaniel Grove, Alison Melnick, Steven Weinberger.

For a full explanation on how to copy the essay into the Word template and convert it to Times Ext Roman font, go to the Pasting your Essay into the Template and Using the Right Fonts pages.

Please Note: If you are marking up an essay that was on the old THL site and there are photos in the essay, copy and paste these into the Word template (with the Metadata table at the top) along with the rest of the work. However, note where the photos are and what they are of, so that they can be inserted after the document is converted to XML. This only applies to the creation of Word docs for HTML essays.

If you receive an essay for which the author has already taken the above steps, check to make sure everything was marked up correctly, and then move on to the next step.

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