Current Issues & Questions With Sakai Installation

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Current Issues & Questions With Sakai/Collab Installation

Contributor(s): THL Staff.

More detailed Issues

Missing Tools

Presentations: this tool was there before, but now it does not show up. What has happened? In its absence is there any way to create presentations within Collab?

We see in documentation reference to Blogger, and Podcasts - any short term plans for these showing up on the UVa installation?

Public URLs for Announcements & Schedules

There is currently no public URLs for Announcements and Schedules, meaning those tooks can't be used at present for public purposes. The only tools with direct URL access are the Resources and WIKI.

Another pressing need for a public view of is Searches.

Web Content Tool Problems

If I add as a Web content, it first shows up ok. But when I go to another page within THL, the top banner and menu options disappear forever, making it unusable. If I set the options to "open in a new window". it a "new window", unfortunately, this just opens another fatally flawed collab frame.

Mailing List Problems

Collab email lists convert attachments into URLs rather than attaching to them. This is unexpected behavior for almost everyone I know. As a result people are constantly confused - they miss attachments, and they constantly resend the attachment and email to people manually outside of the mailing list because of it. Itt would be much preferable if the mailing lists had an option that allowed us to decide if we wanted the attachments converted.

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