Discussion Forums & Private Messages

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Discussion Forums & Private Messages

Contributor(s): David Germano


The discussion forums provide a means to post discussion topics, and then have postings under each topic be made by multiple users. Private messages are a means for participants to send targeted, private notes to each other.

Email notification of new topics

It is now possible to receive an email notice when new topics are added to Discussion and Private Messages by setting this preference in My Profile. You only need to enable this feature once in any worksite that uses the Discussion and Private Messages tool.

To enable email notification in Discussion and Private Messages,

  1. Click on the My Profile menu item in Discussion and Private Messages.
  2. Scroll down to the Preferences section of My Profile.
  3. Set the "Send e-mail notification when new topics are posted" option to Yes.
  4. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

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