Welcome Message To Send To New Collab Participants > Group Functions

THL Toolbox > Workflow Issues > Sakai Collaborative Worksite Technology > Group Functions

Group Functions

Contributor(s): THL Staff.

The page Sakai does allow you to create subgroups within a given worksite. Tools that are currently group-aware in Sakai are the Announcements, Resource, and Schedule tools. They will allow display and access of certain items to be restricted to one of any number of subsets of the larger group. So, for example, an entire Resource folder could be visible and accessible to only the members of subgroup in a worksite. These groups are created in Site Info > Manage Groups, to restrict display and access of certain announcements, resources, and schedule items to subsets of participants.

Other tools are not group-aware at present, including the WIKI, and mailing list.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library