Immersive objects are digital objects which go beyond simple text, audio-video, or flat 2 dimensional images. Examples are three dimensional reconstructions of objects like a building (see VRML or statue or a 360 degrees visual panorama like a QTVR, interactive mapping with satellite imagery in the background, or a blend of many such features such as a satellite image-based map in which are embedded sounds, video, and images.
THDL see such immersive technologies as important new field of activity that allows people to more fully explore places and events. In addition, it allows for different types of learning to take place, including the tacit development of knowledge that happens in real life - the ultimate immersive experience. The most immersive experience we have to date is the Meru Nyingba Project, which explores a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery via interactive blue prints, three dimensional reconstruction, interactive panoramas of a temple interior, etc. Another example is the
Sera Hermitages Project, which combines satellite images, interactive maps, and images to document the hermitages affiliated with Sera Monastery which are scattered through the mountainside north of the city of Lhasa.