Kangyur-tengyur Cataloging Manual

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Kangyur-Tengyur Cataloging


The Cataloging Process

  1. Cataloging a Tibetan Text in a Word Template: Word entry forms into which the cataloging data for a text and a volume are entered.
    1. Download One of the Following:
    2. external link: Download Nartang Volume Catalog Entry Form
      Note: the above step will be replaced by the following when export from the database is functional: Download from Canons Resources the zip file of Text catalog records (Word docs) and Volume catalog record (Word doc) for each volume that have been generated for you by exporting data from the database
  2. Update Cataloging Status Report: go to the appropriate status report for the edition you are cataloging (Kangyur-Tengyur Cataloging Status Reports) and, in both the Text Cataloging Records table and the Volume Cataloging Records tables, find the line for the volume you are working on and in the "Cataloging" column enter your three-letter initials + "working"
  3. Catalog the Volume:
    1. Download external link: Nartang Volume Catalog Entry Form
  4. Zip the Files: after all text catalog records and the volume catalog record are completed for the volume, zip all the Word files (Word text catalog files and Word volume catalog file) for a single volume into a single zip file. Name this file Sigla-Section-v###.zip, where Sigla=the sigla for the edition, Section=Kg or Tg (Kg for Kangyur; Tg for Tengyur). Example: the zip file containing all the Word text catalog records and the Word volume catalog record for the ninth volume of the Nartang Kangyur is named: N-Kg-v009.zip
  5. Upload the Zip Fle to its appropriate folder in Canons Resources > Cataloging Resources. Example: upload the zip file N-Kg-v009.zip, which contains all the Word text catalog records and the Word volume catalog record for the ninth volume of the Nartang Kangyur, into the folder Canons Resources > Cataloging Resources > Nartang Kangyur-Tengyur > Nartang Kangyur > N-Kg-v009-'dul ba
  6. Update Cataloging Status Report: go to the appropriate status report for the edition you are cataloging (Kangyur-Tengyur Cataloging Status Reports) and, in both the Text Cataloging Records table and the Volume Cataloging Records tables, find the line for the volume you just completed and in the "Cataloging" column enter your three-letter initials + date (note: format for date is YYYY-MM-DD)

The Proofreading Process

  1. Download the Zip File for the volume you will proofread from Canons > Resources > Cataloging Resources and unzip the files
  2. Convert the Word Bibliographic Records to XML: run the conversion process described in the Detailed Instructions section below, which is based on a visual basic macro within WORD and an XSLT transformation to convert the Word files into XML files
  3. Update Cataloging Status Report: go to the appropriate status report for the edition you are cataloging (Kangyur-Tengyur Cataloging Status Reports) and, in both the Text Cataloging Records table and the Volume Cataloging Records tables, find the line for the volume you just completed and in the column "Converted" enter your three-letter initials + date (note: format for date is YYYY-MM-DD). In the "Proofing/Correcting" column, enter your three-letter initials + "working"
  4. Print the XML Files
  5. Proofread the XML Files: always proof the printout of the XML file against the text; never proof the XML file on screen

  1. always first look at a range of text from the text itself and then check the corresponding text on the printout. Do not read the printout first and then check the text since this significantly reduces accuracy and increases errors.

b. make corrections to errors you find in ink on the hard copy; never make corrections directly in the XML file

  1. Enter corrections from the printout into the XML file: proofread the entire volume and mark corrections on the printouts. Then enter all corrections for the entire volume into the XML files

  1. if there is an error in text in Tibetan Machine Uni font, check the Word doc to see if the error is there also. If what's in the Word doc is different than what's in the XML doc, this means the error was introduced in the conversion process. List all such errors in the TMU Conversion Errors page.

b. Also, quickly peruse each scanned page of the Nartang PDF files as you proof for:

  • Text breaks in the middle of a line indicating the beginning and end of a text that has not been cataloged as a separate text but should be so cataloged.
  • Flawed scans (sides that need to be rescanned) — enter these in the wiki of scans to redo.
  • Obvious page numbering irregularities—make sure these are in the appropriate text record(s) and volume record.

c. When you correct text in Tibetan Machine Uni font you must also make the correction in the Wylie in the comment tag (<!-- -->) just above it in the XML file.

  1. Zip all the XML Files of all the texts plus the volume catalog record for the entire volume into a single zip file. File name: Sigla-Section-v###-xml.zip. Example: for the ninth volume of the Nartang Kangyur the zip file is named N-Kg-v009-xml.zip
  2. Upload Zip File to Canons Resources in its appropriate folder.
  3. Update Cataloging Status Report: go to the appropriate status report for the edition you are cataloging (Kangyur-Tengyur Cataloging Status Reports) and, in both the Text Cataloging Records table and the Volume Cataloging Records tables, find the line for the volume you just completed and in the "Proofing/Correcting" column enter your three-letter initials + date (note: format for date is YYYY-MM-DD)

Detailed Instructions

Relevant Resources

Below are links to resources to assist catalogers of particular editions.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library