Media Management System (mms) Manual

THL Toolbox > Media Management System (MMS) Manual

Media Management System (MMS) Manual

Contributor(s): David Germano

THL uses its own external link: Media Management System (MMS) to catalog and describe bibliographies, images, and audio-video resources in a single integrated system. The first step is to study the Media Management System (MMS) Manual in general, and then consult the other manual specific to the type of resource on which you may be working:


To utilize MMS, you will need a login and password. Please contact us at <a class="safe-contact" href="javascript:linkTo_UnCryptMailto('nbjmup;uimAdpmmbc/jud/wjshjojb/fev');"><img src="/global/images/contact/contact-thl.gif" /></a> if you want to apply for editorial privileges.

Editorial features for creating and editing new entries and their cataloging records only appear after you login. Click on the upper right hand corner "login" and you can type in your user ID and password. If you are using a computer that no one else uses, then you can click on the "remember me" check box so that the computer will remember your login/password in the future to make login easier.

Once logged in, the MMS web page will have new options added to it that allow you to create and revise. Please be sure to log out if you are using a public computer, or others use your computer. To do so, just click on the upper right hand corner "logout".

Once you have a user account, you just go to the "external link: MMS home page.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library