Notes, Numbers, Dates, And So Forth

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Notes, Numbers, Dates, And So Forth

Contributor(s): José Cabezón, Michael Cox, David Germano, Nathaniel Grove, Alison Melnick, Steven Weinberger.

Block indented citations: THL staff needs to go through the essay Word doc and, for block indented citations (quotations of three lines or more), apply the Word style citation prose 1,cp1 (if there is a second paragraph in the indented quote, apply cp2 to that paragraph). For details, see the “Indented Quotes” section of Apply Word Styles to Select Words in the Body of the Essay.

For directions on how to format and mark up numbers, dates, and so forth, go to the Formatting page.

For directions on how to format these in bibliographic citations, go to the Bibliographic Citations page.


See Chicago Manual, (9.3).

Page Numbers

See Chicago Manual (9.64).


See Chicago Manual (9.15).

Periodization and Dates

See Chicago (9.67).


See Chicago (9.36).


See Chicago Manual (9.37).


See Chicago Manual (9.35).


See Chicago Manual (11.33).

Commas and other Punctuation

See Chicago Manual(6.19) and (6.8-6.9).

Examples of XML Markup

For information on how to apply styles to these in bibliographic citations, go to the Applying Styles to the Components of Bibliographical Citations.

IOL, Pelliot, and other Tibetan Text Collections

For Dunhuang manuscripts and other Tibetan manuscripts that are part of a western series, they should be marked up after the document has been converted to XML. Compile a list of these while you are reading through the article. Then, after conversion, go through and mark each one by hand.

Each text should have <bibl> tags around the whole thing. Then, the number portion of the name should have an ID number tag around it <idno>. If folio numbers are given, these should be included within the bibl tag and should have <extent> tags around them. For example, for the manuscript IOL Khot 55, the markup will look like this:

<bibl>IOL Khot <idno>55</idno>, <extent>1r.4-1v.1</extent></bibl>

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