Staff Instructions For Photos, Charts, Video, And Other Media

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Staff Instructions for Photos, Charts, Video, And Other Media

Contributor(s): David Germano, Nathaniel Grove, Alison Melnick, Steven Weinberger.

Authors are responsible for acquiring permission to use any copyrighted images in their articles. For details on what should be included with each piece of media, go to the Photos, Graphs, Charts, Video, and Other Media page. If you receive an image from an author and it does not include all necessary information, you should request (via email) that they provide it.

Post-XML Image Process (For Use Once Media Management System Is Working)

If you are marking up an html essay that contains images, make note of where each image appears in the essay. You can do this either directly in the essay itself, or add it to your list of post-XML issues. Then, after the essay has been converted to XML, you will need to add the photo back into the essay in the correct place.

  1. At each place where an image is supposed to go, enter a <figure></figure> tag. Within this, enter a <figDesc> tag, within which you should enter the caption and all other information. (XML Tip: When you enter the < sign, oXygen will display the possible things you can enter in that location.) Outside of the figDesc tag (but still within the figure tag), enter the location of the image - this should be a string of information from the Media Management System (MMS).
  2. In the Doctype statement at the top of the document, the location of each image should be included in an <!Entity thdl-mms-images> tag. In the “Entity” attribute, put thdl-mms-images. In the N attribute, enter the number of the image that correlates to the media ID number in the Media Management System. If the image isn’t in the MMS, or you cant find it, you need to enter a comment there. A comment looks like this: <! >. Within the comment, indicate that you were unable to locate the image. Include the old URL of the original article (if applicable) so it can be used for reference.
  3. By default, images justify to the right. If you want to justify to the left, add another attribute to the figure tag called “rend” – in the rend tag enter “left.” Each new XML document should look like the original html essay.
  4. If you have two images next to each other, just put the 2 figure tags one after the other. If you put an image on line by itself, it will appear in the center of the page.
  5. After an image has been added to an XML document, the markup should look like this:

<figure entity="thdl-mms-images" n="(number in the mms system, not up yet)">

<!--Old URL was external link:>

<figDesc>Copy and Paste description here</figDesc>


Temporary Image Process (Until MMS Is Working)

Until the Media Management System is fully operational, we will not be able to insert images from it. Instead of putting the MMS information in the entity, keep the original !Entity declaration of the image, so that it appears when posted online. In the comment, enter <!Needs to be added to MMS>.

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