Sanskrit Letters > Degé Kangyur-tengyur Volume Cataloging Form

THL Toolbox > Tibetan Texts > Cataloging Tibetan Texts > Cataloging Workflow > Kangyur-Tengyur Cataloging Manual > Degé Kangyur-Tengyur Cataloging Form > Degé Kangyur-Tengyur Volume Cataloging Form

Degé Kangyur-Tengyur Volume Cataloging Form

Contributor(s): Nathaniel Grove, Steven Weinberger, Bill McGrath

Below is a list of the fields in the volume cataloging template and what goes in them.

date: The date the volume catalog record was created. Format: yyyy-mm-dd

creator: THL ID. Each person working as a cataloger/proofer gets an ID number and that’s what is entered here. ID comes from Roster entry ID. Each worker needs to create roster entry and send it to us, with a digital photo of themselves. Then we create a Participants entry for them. Enter your four digit THL roster number, preceded by "per". Example: per3141

proofer: THL ID. Each person working as a cataloger/proofer gets an ID number and that’s what is entered here. ID comes from Roster entry ID. Each worker needs to create roster entry and send it to us, with a digital photo of themselves. Then we create a Participants entry for them. Enter your four digit THL roster number, preceded by "per". Example: per3141

proof date: The date proofreading was done. Format: yyyy-mm-dd

edition name tib: The name of the edition in THL Extended Wylie. Always include the shad at the end of the edition name. For the Dege edition, this is: sde dge/ (For a list that includes the THL Extended Wylie for each Kangyur and Tengyur edition, see external link: THL Authority List of Sigla).

edition name eng: The name of the edition in THL phonetics. For the Degé, this is Degé (for a list that includes the THL phonetic rendering for each Kangyur and Tengyur edition, see external link: THL Authority List of Sigla).

edition sigla: The unique abbreviation for the edition. For the Degé, this is D (for a list of sigla for each Kangyur and Tengyur edition, see the external link: THL Authority List of Sigla).

volume number: in this field, enter 001, 002, etc. This is the THL volume number, which begins with the first volume of the Kangyur (001) for a given edition and ends with the last volume of the Tengyur for that edition. Format: a three-digit number, so use leading zeros if necessary. Example: the first volume of the Kangyur for a given edition is 001.

Kg or Tg: Enter Kg for a Kangyur text, Tg for a Tengyur text

volume number within Kg or Tg: for a Kangyur volume, this is the number of the volume within the Kangyur; numbering begins at 001 for the first Kangyur volume. For a Tengyur volume, this is the number of the volume within the Tengyur; numbering begins at 001 for the first Tengyur volume.

volume letter: the Tibetan letter in the left margin of the front side of folios in this volume. For the Kangyur section of most editions, this starts over at ka for each category. For the Tengyur section, the volume letters are in three groups: initial bstod tshogs in one volume (ka), then all the rgyud (ka to end), then all mdo and sciences (ngi to end).

volume number within category: this is the number that corresponds to the volume letter: 01 for ka, 05 for ca, etc.

microfiche begin-end: if a volume is being catalogued from microfiche, enter the microfiche pagination. The microfiche page number is usually located in the upper right-hand corner of the microfiche page. For example, a Nartang Microfiche page has an ID number with the format LMpj 026,004 1/24. Enter the full extent of the microfiche pagination for the volume. Example: LMpj 026,048 1/22-LMpj 026,048 22/22.

pagination: this is the pagination for the entire volume. Example: 1b.1-356a.6

  • note: for editions like the Degé, the first page of a volume only has text on one side; this is side 1b.
  • note: if the last text in the volume has blank lines, enter a note in the fourth column of the pagination field. Example: the final text ends on 468a.4. In the fourth column, enter this: "The last text ends on 468a.4. There are three blank lines after the text."

page differential: in the second column, enter the total differential, if there is one, for the volume. In the fourth column, enter each of the elements that went into the calculation, as follows:

  1. sides with a non-standard number of lines: if any sides of the volume do not have the standard number of lines, use the page differential field to account for this. In most editions the first several sides of each volume have fewer lines of text than do the rest of the pages. For the Degé edition, for instance, the first four sides have 4, 5, 6, and 6 lines, respectively. The standard number of lines per side is 7; adding the lines short of a full page for the first four sides (3 lines, 2 lines, 1 line, and 1 line, respectively) totals 7 lines, which is a full page, so in the page differential field enter -1, or include this in the calculation if there are other pagination irregularities to add or subtract for the volume. Also, there may be blank lines at the end of individual texts within the volume. These also need to be accounted for in the page differential field.
  2. page numbering irregularities: If there are irregularities with page numbering (skipped pages, two pages with the same page number, blank pages, etc), include these in the number entered in the page differential field.
    Example of fourth column:
    -1 side, first four sides of volume.
    +2 sides, two pages numbered 61 (61 and 61 'og ma).
    -2 sides, one page numbered both 334 and 335.
    Note: calculate the page differential to the exact line. The partial-side pagination for additional lines is as follows:
  • texts with eight lines per side:
    1=.125; 2=.25; 3=.375; 4=.5; 5=.625; 6=.75; 7=.875
  • texts with seven lines per side:
    1=.143; 2=.286; 3=.428; 4=.571; 5=.714; 6=.857
    Note: you should enter data in the page differential field as you come across it in individual texts within the volume. Do not wait until you have finished cataloging all the texts in the volume to enter page differential data in the volume catalog record.

total sides: a macro will calculate this.

first text: the text number of the first text in the volume. Note: the first text in the volume might have started in a previous volume.

last text: the text number of the last text in the volume. Note: the last text in the volume might continue in the next volume.

number of texts: the number of texts in the volume. Note: if one text spans multiple volumes, put the fraction of the text in this particular volume here. Example: if the text spans 3826.571 total sides, but only 812.857 sides are in one particular volume, the number of texts in that volume would be 812.857 divided by 3826.571, or 0.212 texts (to the third decimal place).

first text tōhoku: the tōhoku number of the first text in the volume

last text tōhoku: the tōhoku number of the last text in the volume

category on front board: if the volume has a wooden board as a cover and the category (that is, the name of the genre or doxographical category) appears there, enter it here. Note: enter a shad after the category name. Note: for the scans of the Degé edition, assume that all cover scans are cover PAGES, not cover boards.

category on cover page: 'dul ba/, sher phyin/, etc. Note: enter a shad after the category name. If more than one category appears on the cover page, enter the first category; hit "enter" to move the cursor to the next line; enter the second category. Note: for the scans of the Degé edition, assume that all cover scans are cover PAGES, not cover boards.

category in left margin: format: category (first side in which it appears in the volume). Note: be sure to enter a shad after the genre. Example:
'dul ba/ (1b)

Note that for the Degé, the category usually first appears on side 1b; for other editions, it might first appear on 1a or 2a.

For multiple categories in a volume, put each on a separate line by hitting “enter” between them, in the format
category 1 name (pg start:starting text number)
category 2 name (pg start:starting text number)

'dul ba (1a.1:214)
sher phyin (345b.4:216)

title on front board: if the volume has a wooden board as a cover, enter the text that appears on it. If there are any distinguishing markings (such as a seal), add a note describing them in the fourth column.

title on cover page: if the volume has a cover page, enter the text that appears on it. Note: if there is text in lan tsha script such as this

Example of Lantsha

then enter the following in the fourth column, with your initials in parentheses at the end:
A line of text in lan tsha occurs on the cover page. (snw)

blank sides: if there are sides in the volume that are completely blank, total them and enter the number in the second column. In the fourth column, list each blank side on a separate line. Example of fourth column:
cover page
322b (where 322a is the last page of the text)

page dimensions: enter the dimensions of the paper on which the text is printed, in centimeters to one decimal place. Example: 8.2 x 32.5

For microfiche, enter the dimensions of the microfiche sheet, in centimeters to one decimal place; in the 4th column make a note that this is the dimension of the microfiche and NOT of the dpe cha page. For scans do not enter any data in this field.

print box dimensions: enter the height and width of the bordered box that contains print. Enter data in cm to 1 decimal place. Use a standard-sized side in the volume. For microfiche and scans do not enter any data in this field.

standard lines per page: enter the standard number of lines per page in the volume. Example: 7

page formatting: Example:
Folio 1: cover page, black type on white
Folio 2: (back) black type on white, large margins, only 4 lines of text, largest font.
Folio 3: (front) black type on white, large margins, only 5 lines of text, larger font.
Folio 3: (back) slightly larger margins, only 6 lines of text, slightly larger font.
Folio 4: (front) slightly larger left and right margins, only 6 lines of text, slightly larger font.
Folio 4: (back) regular size left margin and a right margin, 7 lines of text, regular size font.
Folio 5: (front) regular size left margin and a right margin, 7 lines of text, regular size font.
Folio 5: (back) no left or right margin, 7 lines of text, regular size font.
Folio 6-481: (front) regular size left margin, no right margin, 7 lines of text, regular size font.
Folio 6-480: (back) no left or right margin, 7 lines of text, regular size font.

materials: A description of the physical materials of the volume. Example: Black ink on white paper. Note: for scans and microfiche, leave blank.

front margin on left: enter what is in the left margin on the front side of each folio. If on the front side of each folio it has more than one type of data, enter each on a separate line. Begin with the text at the top of the margin (as you look at the page) and progress to the bottom of the margin. Example:
'dul ba
page number

front margin on right: if there is a front right margin, enter Yes in the second column; if there is not, enter No. If there is text in the front right margin, enter that in place of Yes.

back margin on left: if there is a back left margin, enter Yes; if there is not, enter No. If there is content in the back left margin, enter that in place of Yes. If the back left margin contains a category name (such as 'dul ba, rgyud, etc) and there is more than one category contained in the volume, enter each category on its own line.

back margin on right: if there is a back right margin, enter Yes; if there is not, enter No. If there is content in the back right margin, enter that in place of Yes.

illustrations: enter No. in the second column if there are no illustrations. If there are illustrations, enter the location of each illustration using the following format: page number, side letter, location on the page (l=left; r=right; c=center). Separate the location of each illustration by hitting enter so that the location of each illustration is on its own line. Example:

  • For illustrations that appear on the cover page, enter "cp" for the page number.
  • For illustrations that appear on the back page, enter "bp" for the page number. For the Nartang edition, this includes both white illustrations on a black background and black illustrations on a white background.
  • For illustrations that appear on the back board , enter "bb" for the page number.
  • If there are five illustrations on a page (in this example, a back page), enter the only the left, center, and right locations: bpl, bpc, bpr. In the fourth column enter the following:
    There are five illustrations on the back page. (cpb)

See the illustrations below of cover page and back page illustrations with black background and with white background.

white text black background

black text white background

Note: if the illustrations have captions, enter the caption for each illustration in the third column, on the appropriate line. Separate the captions by hitting enter so each caption is on its own line. If there is an illustration without a caption then be sure to leave a blank line for that. In the example below, the illustration on the right side of side 1a (1ar) does not have a caption: captionexample.jpg

volume colophon: if there is a volume colophon, enter it here. If there is no volume colophon, enter “No colophon given.” (including the period) and in the fourth column enter this note: make sure lang="eng" An example of a volume colophon appears below; གཉིས་ཞུས། དག in smaller letters at the very end of the volume is the volume colophon. Note: closing invocations which are in smaller letters at the very end of the volume, such as བཀྲ་ཤིས། or སརྦ་མངྒ་ལཾ། should NOT be included in the volume colophon.


colophon pagination: enter the pagination for the volume colophon. If there is no colophon, leave this field blank.

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