Staff Instructions For Bibliographic Citations

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Staff Instructions for Bibliographic Citations

Contributor(s): José Cabezón, Michael Cox, David Germano, Nathaniel Grove, Alison Melnick, Steven Weinberger.

For general instructions on bibliographic citations, go to the author Bibliographic Citations page. For detailed instructions on bibliographic citations, go to the author Extensive List of Bibliographic References page.

For even more detailed information, including how to apply Word style to individual components of bibliographic citations, see Applying Styles to the Components of Bibliographical Citations page (the latter has a comprehensive list of the Word styles to be used for citations).

Applying Word Paragraph Styles to Footnotes/Endnotes and Bibliography

All entries in the Bibliography section at the end of the essay Word doc should have the Word style “Bibliographic Entry,be” applied to them (for details, see Applying the First Word Styles). For bibliographic references in footnotes/endnotes, you do NOT use this Word style; instead, use the style Footnote Text,ftxt (for a footnote) or Endnote Text (for an endnote). Note: we are NOT asking authors to apply these Word styles, so you have to make sure they have been applied correctly.

Creating Entries in the Glossary Table for Components of Bibliographic Citations

We are not asking authors to create entries in the Glossary Table for author and title (and journal title, series title, etc) so YOU have to make these entries. You also have to make entries for publisher and publication place for Tibetan language resources.

To create entries in the Glossary Table, follow the procedure in the "Entries in the Glossary Table for Author and Title of All Sources in the Bibliography" section of Staff Instructions for the Glossary Table.

Basic Citation of a Journal Article

First occurrence in a footnote/endnote:

  • Jacob Dalton, “The Early Development of Padmasambhava Legend in Tibet: A Study of IOL Tib J 644 and Pelliot tibétain 307,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 124, no. 4 (2004): 759.

Create an entry in the Glossary Table for the author, article title, and the journal title:


  • For all article titles, there should be quotation marks around the title in the essay and in the Bibliography but NOT in the Glossary Table.

Basic Citation of a Monograph

First occurrence in a footnote/endnote:

  • Per Sørensen, Tibetan Buddhist Historiography: The Mirror Illuminating the Royal Genealogies (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994), 234-43.
    • Do not use the format (Sørensen: 1994, 234-43) or Sørensen (1994): 234-43.

Create an entry in the Glossary Table for the author and title, like this (note: for a Tibetan work, also create entries for the publisher and the place of publication):


Second and Subsequent Citations in Footnotes/Endnotes to a Work

  • Title: the author should have created a 4- or 5-word abbreviated title for all citations of the source in footnotes/endnotes after the first. You need to create a second, abbreviated entry in the Glossary Table for it immediately below the first entry:
    • Enter an asterisk (*) in the Variant column.
    • For titles in non-Asian languages, in the Variant column enter an asterisk and a dash (*-).
    • In the essay itself, use this abbreviated title for all occurrences after the first occurrences.
  • Author: create a second, abbreviated entry in the Glossary Table for it immediately below the first entry:
    • Use only the author’s last name.
    • Enter an asterisk (*) in the Variant column.
    • For author names in non-Asian languages, enter an asterisk and a dash (*-) in the Variant column.
    • In the essay itself, use only the author’s last name for all occurrences after the first.
    • For Tibetan authors: this does not apply. Always use the full name since they do not have first and last names.
    • For Chinese authors: for the abbreviated name, use the family name (this is the first word in a Chinese name, such as “Mao” in “Mao Zedong”). Create an entry for it in the Glossary Table immediately beneath the full entry, and enter an asterisk in the Variant column.

ARTICLE: Second or subsequent citation in a footnote/endnote:

  • Dalton, “Early Development,” 761.

ARTICLE: Second or subsequent citation entries in the Glossary Table for the abbreviated author name and title:


MONOGRAPH: Second or subsequent citation in a footnote/endnote:

  • Sørensen, Tibetan Buddhist Historiography, 35.

MONOGRAPH: Second or subsequent citation entries in the Glossary Table for the abbreviated author name and title:


Citing Tibetan Works

Cite these as you would any other monograph.

Essay example:

  • bu ston rin chen grub, rnal ’byor rgyud kyi rgya mtshor ’jug pa’i gru gzing, in bu ston gsung ’bum, vol. da [11] (lha sa: zhol par khang, 1988), 23a.5.

Glossary Table example:


  • Do not capitalize the Wylie of the author or title, either in the essay or in the Glossary Table.
  • For all Tibetan texts, no matter how short the text is, enter “text” in the Glossary Table Type column.
  • Do not italicize the text title, either in the Glossary Table or in the essay.
  • The author should supply English translations for all text titles; enter these in the English column of the Glossary Table for that entry.
  • For pagination of Tibetan dpe chas, use the format that indicates the folio side and line number, such as 23a.5 or 234b.2.

For Tibetan works published in India (or sometimes, Sikkim) that have roman titles and/or author names, use the published form. Put the THL Extended Wylie in square brackets [ ]. For example:

  • Ṅag-dbaṅ-blo-bzaṅ-rgya-mtsho [ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho], The Collected Works (gsung ’bum) of Vth Dalai Lama Ṅag-dbaṅ-blo-bzaṅ-rgya-mtshho (Gangtok, Sikkim: Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology, 1991-95).
  • Create entries in the Glossary Table for the author, title, place of publication, publisher, and so forth, as described above.

Note: when a Tibetan work does not have a title page in roman letters, then use THL Extended Wylie as in the example of the text by Bu ston above.

Subsequent citations are abbreviated: for a Tibetan name, the full name and a four- or five-word abbreviated title Be sure to create separate entries in the Glossary Table for each abbreviated component, as detailed above.

  • Ṅag-dbaṅ-blo-bzaṅ-rgya-mtsho, Collected Works, 75.

An Article in a Named, Special Issue of a Journal

  • Note that the name of the special issue is within quotation marks; it is not italicized.
  • footnote Per Sørensen, “Lhasa Diluvium – Sacred Environment at Stake: The Birth of Flood Control Politics, the Question of Natural Disaster Management and Their Importance for the Hegemony over a National Monument in Tibet,” in “Cosmogony and the Origins,” special issue, Lungta, no. 16 (Spring 2003): 88.
  • bibliography Sørensen, Per. “Lhasa Diluvium – Sacred Environment at Stake: The Birth of Flood Control Politics, the Question of Natural Disaster Management and Their Importance for the Hegemony over a National Monument in Tibet.” In “Cosmogony and the Origins.” Special issue, Lungta, no. 16 (Spring 2003): 85-134.
    • In the Glossary Table, be sure to make an entry for Cosmogony and the Origins (Type=series) and Lungta (Type=journal).

Citation Format for One Volume of a Multi-Volume Work

Please note, the volume and issue numbers should not be included as part of the title of the journal (or other multi-volume publications).

  • footnote: Valrae Reynolds, Amy Heller, and Janet Gyatso, The Newark Museum Tibetan Collection, vol. 3, Sculpture and Painting (Newark: The Newark Museum, 1986), 169-71.
  • bibliography: Reynolds, Valrae, Amy Heller, and Janet Gyatso. The Newark Museum Tibetan Collection. Vol. 3, Sculpture and Painting. Newark: The Newark Museum, 1986.
    • In the Glossary Table, be sure to make entries for The Newark Museum Tibetan Collection (Type=text) and Sculpture and Painting (Type=text).

Citation Format for a Volume in a Multi-Volume Work with Volumes Written by Different Authors

  • footnote: Charles Peterson, “Court and Province in Mid- and Late-T’ang,” in The Cambridge History of China, vol. 3, Sui and T’ang China, 589-906, Part 1 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), 518-19.
    • This will display online as: Charles Peterson, “Court and Province in Mid- and Late-T’ang,” in The Cambridge History of China, vol. 3, Sui and T’ang China, 589-906, Part 1 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), 518-19.
  • bibliography: Peterson, Charles. “Court and Province in Mid- and Late-T’ang.” In The Cambridge History of China. Vol. 3, Sui and T’ang China, 589-906, Part 1, 467-560. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.
    • This will display online as: * bibliography: Peterson, Charles. “Court and Province in Mid- and Late-T’ang.” In The Cambridge History of China. Vol. 3, Sui and T’ang China, 589-906, Part 1, 467-560. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.
    • In the Glossary Table, be sure to make entries for The Cambridge History of China (Type=text) and Sui and T’ang China, 589-906 (Type=text).

Citation Format for an Edited Work with No Author

  • footnote, when page number is cited: B. Bhattacharya, ed., Sādhanamālā (Baroda: Gaekwad’s Oriental Series, 1925), 572.
  • footnote, when page number is not cited: B. Bhattacharya, ed., Sādhanamālā (Baroda: Gaekwad’s Oriental Series, 1925).
  • bibliography: Bhattacharya, B., ed. Sādhanamālā. Baroda: Gaekwad’s Oriental Series, 1925.
    • In the Glossary Table, make an entry for the editor (Type=editor).
    • In all footnote citations after the first citation, delete the “ed.,”

If there is more than one editor

  • footnote Kenneth Baynes, James Bohmann, and Thomas McCarthy, eds., After Philosophy (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987), 143.
  • bibliography: Baynes, Kenneth, James Bohmann, and Thomas McCarthy, eds. After Philosophy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987.
    • In the Glossary Table, be sure to make separate entries for each editor (Type=editor).

Citation Format for an Article in a PIATS Volume (or other Proceedings)

  • footnote Toni Huber, “Ritual Revival and Innovation at Bird Cemetery Mountain,” in Amdo Tibetans in Transition: Society and Culture During the Post-Mao Era, ed. Toni Huber, PIATS 2000, vol. 5: Brill Academic Publishers, 2002, 113-45.
  • bibliography Huber, Toni. “Ritual Revival and Innovation at Bird Cemetery Mountain.” In Amdo Tibetans in Transition: Society and Culture during the Post-Mao Era, edited by Toni Huber, 113-45. Vol. 5 of PIATS 2000: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000, edited by Henk Blezer. Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library 2. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2002.
    • This will display online as: Huber, Toni. “Ritual Revival and Innovation at Bird Cemetery Mountain.” In Amdo Tibetans in Transition: Society and Culture during the Post-Mao Era, edited by Toni Huber, 113-45. Vol. 5 of PIATS 2000: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000, edited by Henk Blezer. Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library 2. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2002.
    • In the Glossary Table, be sure to create an entry for PIATS 2000: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies with Type=series.

Citation Format for an Article in a Newspaper

  • footnote “Praise for Beijing by a Lama It Appointed,” New York Times, December 27, 2005, A5.
  • bibliography Anonymous. “Praise for Beijing by a Lama It Appointed.” New York Times, December 27, 2005, A5.
    • In the Glossary Table, be sure to make entries for “Praise for Beijing by a Lama It Appointed” (Type=article) and New York Times (Type=text)

Citation Format for Unpublished Material

The title is always in quotation marks; it is never italicized. This is true for both monographs and articles/chapters.
Note: This includes all theses and dissertations not published by a commercial press.

  • footnote Stephen Hodge, trans., “*Kaṇikrodha-vajrakumāra-bodhisattva-sādhana-vidhi (T1222a)” (Unpublished translation from the Chinese, 1989).
  • bibliography Hodge, Stephen, trans. “*Kaṇikrodha-vajrakumāra-bodhisattva-sādhana-vidhi (T1222a).” Unpublished translation from the Chinese, 1989.
    • In the Glossary Table, be sure to make an entry for “*Kaṇikrodha-vajrakumāra-bodhisattva-sādhana-vidhi (T1222a)” (Type=unpublished text).

Citation Format for an Unpublished Paper Delivered at a Conference

  • footnote Robert Sharf, “The Enigma of the Dunhuang Caves” (paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, TX, November 22, 2004).
  • bibliography Sharf, Robert. “The Enigma of the Dunhuang Caves.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, TX, November 22, 2004.
    • In the Glossary Table, be sure to make an entry for “The Enigma of the Dunhuang Caves” (Type=unpublished text).

Citation Format for CDs, VCDs, and Other Produced Music:

  • footnote bod dang chang rigs kyi sgor bro, Tibet Sounds Music, VCD ISRC CN-G12-00-012-00/V.J6.
  • bibliography bod dang chang rigs kyi sgor bro. Tibet Sounds Music. VCD ISRC CN-G12-00-012-00/V.J6.
    • The name of the company that produced the VCD (here, Tibet Sounds Music) should precede the “VCD” in the bibliographic reference. Be sure to create an entry for it in the Glossary Table (Type=publisher).
    • Be sure to create an entry for it in the Glossary Table for bod dang chang rigs kyi sgor bro (Type=text).

Citation Format for Television Programs

The following examples are for a specific show of a program called “Focus” that aired on the CCTV station on April 2, 2002.

  • footnote Focus, CCTV, April 2, 2002.
    • This will display online as: Focus, CCTV, April 2, 2002.
  • bibliography Focus. CCTV, April 2, 2002.
    • Be sure to create an entry in the Glossary Table for Focus (Type=text).

Citing an Edition of the Kangyur or Tengyur

For editions of the Kangyur and Tengyur, enter “title collection” in the Type column of the Glossary Table.

Examples of Bibliographic Citations after Conversion to XML

Footnote (first occurrence)

<bibl default="NO"><author>Donald J. LaRocca</author>, et al., <title level="m">Warriors of the Himalayas:
Rediscovering the Arms and Armor of Tibet</title>(<pubPlace>New Haven</pubPlace>: 
<publisher>Yale University Press</publisher>, <date>2006</date>), 
<extent>181 (cat. no.85)</extent>.</bibl>

Footnote (subsequent occurrences)

<bibl default="NO"><author>Elverskog</author>, <title level="m">Jewel Translucent Sutra</title>, 
<extent>59-62, 102-8</extent>.</bibl>

Primary Canonical Source

<bibl default="NO">
    Asc. <author>Jayasena</author>. <title lang="tib">chu gtor gyi cho ga zhes bya ba</title>. <idno>Q. 4593</idno>.

Basic Secondary Source (Book)

<bibl default="NO">
	  <author>Richardson, Hugh E</author>. <title level="m">A Corpus of Early Tibetan Inscriptions</title>.
	  <pubPlace>London</pubPlace>: <publisher>Royal Asiatic Society</publisher>, <date>1985</date>.

Book with More than One Author

<bibl default="NO">
       <author>Dalton, Jacob</author>, and <author>Sam van Schaik.</author>.
       <title level="m">Tibetan Tantric Manuscripts from Dunhuang:
       A Descriptive Catalogue of the Stein Collection at the British Library</title>. 
       <publisher>Leiden</publisher>: <pubPlace>Brill</pubPlace>, <date>2007</date>.

Article in Journal

<bibl default="NO">
	  <author>Panglung, Jampa</author>. “<title level="a">New Fragments of the sGra-sbyor bam-po gnyis-pa</title>.”
          <title level="j">East and West</title> <num type="volume">44</num>, no. <num type="issue">1</num> (<date>1994</date>):

Article in Book

<bibl default="NO">
      <author>Akira, Fujieda.</author>
     “<title level="a">Chronological Classification of Dunhuang Buddhist Manuscripts</title>,” in
      <title level="m">Dunhuang Manuscript Forgeries</title>,
      ed. <editor role="editor">Susan Whitfield</editor>
      <pubPlace>The British Library</pubPlace>, 

One Volume of a Multi-Volume Work

<bibl default="NO">
  <author>Snellgrove, David L</author>.
  <title level="m">Indo-Tibetan Buddhism: Indian Buddhists and Their Tibetan Successors</title>.
  Vol. <num type="volume">2</num>. <pubPlace>Boston</pubPlace>: <publisher>Shambhala</publisher>, 

An Article in a PIATS Volume (or other Proceedings)

<bibl default="NO">				
  <author>Imaeda, Yoshiro</author>.
  “<title level="a">Re-examination of the ldan ma drag Inscription (II) in Eastern Tibet</title>.”
  In <title level="m">Old Tibetan Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Ronald E. Emmerick (1937-2001)</title>,
  edited by <editor role="editor">Cristina A. Scherrer-Schaub</editor>. <title level="m">PIATS 2003: 
  Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford 2003</title>.
  <publisher>Brill</publisher>, <date>forthcoming</date>.</bibl>

A Translated Work with No Author

<bibl> <persName type="translator"> Khenpo Könchog Gyaltsen </persName>, trans. 
<title level="m">The Great Kagyu Masters: The Golden Lineage Treasury</title>. <pubPlace>Ithaca</pubPlace>:
<publisher>Snow Lion</publisher>, <date>1990</date>.</bibl>

A Translated Work with an Author

<bibl default="NO">
  <author>Takasaki, Jikido</author>.
  <title level="m">An Introduction to Buddhism</title>. Translated by <persName type="translator">Rolf Giebel</persName>.
  <pubPlace>Tokyo</pubPlace>: <publisher>Tōhō Gakkai</publisher>, <date>1987</date>.

Tibetan Language Book

<bibl default="NO">
  <author lang="tib">dpa’ ris sangs rgyas. </author>
  <title level="m" lang="tib">bod yig ’bri tshul mthoṅg ba kun smo</title>.
  <publisher lang="tib">mi rigs dpe skrun khang</publisher>,

An Article in a Newspaper

  “<title level="a">Praise for Beijing by a Lama It Appointed</title>.”
   <title level="s">New York Times</title>, <date>December 27, 2005</date>, 

Unpublished material

   <author>Henrion-Dourcy, Isabelle</author>. <title level="u">Ache Lhamo: Jeux et enjeux d’une tradition théâtrale tibétaine</title>. 
   PhD thesis, <orgName>Université Libre de Bruxelles</orgName>, <date>2004</date>.

Unpublished Paper Delivered at a Conference

  <author>Morcom, Anna</author>. “<title level="u">History, Traditions and Identities:
  Drawing and Redrawing the Musical Cultural Map of Tibet</title>.”
  Paper presented at the 11th Seminar of the <orgName>International Association of Tibetan Studies</orgName>,
   <placeName>Bonn</placeName>, <placeName>Germany</placeName>, <date>2006</date>.

Forthcoming Book

  <author>Author, Jane Q</author>. <title level="m">A Pilgrim’s Guide to Shambhala</title>. 
  <pubPlace>Princeton</pubPlace>: <publisher>Princeton University Press</publisher>, 

Forthcoming Article

<bibl default="NO">
  <author>Stick, Swizzle</author>.
  <title level="a">Visualizing Whirled Peas</title>.”
  <title level="j">Journal of Buddhist Detritus</title>, no. <num type="volume">34</num> (<date>forthcoming</date>).

Example - CD or VCD

<bibl><title lang="tib" level="m">sprin gyi me tog</title>.
<publisher>Anna Morcom</publisher>. VCD, <date>2006</date>.</bibl>
<bibl default="NO">
  <author>Situ Rinpoche</author>. “<title level="a">Geomancy</title>.” <idno>Audio Z91</idno>.
  <pubPlace>Eskdalemuir</pubPlace>: <publisher>Samye Ling Tibetan Centre</publisher>, <date>1988</date>.

Documentation for Articles on the Web that Have Changed Location

   <orgName>Fischer, Andrew</orgName>. 
  “<title level="a">ADB Supports Western Development Drive, but Not in Tibet</title>.”, <xref n=""
    targOrder="U" from="ROOT" to="DITTO" rend="_blank"></xref>.
    Originally published on <orgName>Tibet Information Network</orgName>, “News Update,”
  <date>March 30, 2005</date>, site now discontinued.

Styles Relevant to Bibliographic References

This needs to be updated with information in the table in THL Glossary & non-English Words Guidelines

ItemType in Glossary TableWord Style
Author Englishauthorauthor English,ae
Author Sanskritauthorauthor Sanskrit,as
Author Tibetanauthorauthor Tibetan,at
Colophon Chapter Titlecolophon chapter titleColophon Chapter Title,cct
Colophon Text Titletitle of text in colophonColophon Text Title,ctt
Date Rangefor example, 1830-75date range,dr
Datesdate of publication,etcdates,dt
Editor EnglisheditorEditor English,ee
Editor TibetaneditorEditor Tibetan,et
EditoreditorEditor, ed
Number Issueissue numberNumber Issue,ni
Number Volumevolume numberNumber Volume,nv
Page Numberindividual page numberPage Number,pgn
Pagespage numberPages,pg
Publication Placepublication placePublication Place,pp
Publisher EnglishpublisherPublisher English,pue
Publisher TibetanpublisherPublisher Tibetan,put
Text Grouptext groupText Group,tg
Text Titletext titleText Title,tt
Text Title Englishtext titleText Title English,tte
Title Articlearticle titleTitle Article,ta
Title Article Englisharticle title, EnglishTitle Article,tae
Title Collection Englishtitle collectionTitle Collection English,tce
Title Journaljournal titleTitle Journal,tj
Title Journal EnglishEnglish journal titleTitle Journal,tje
Title Series EnglishEnglish seriesTitle Series English,tse
Title Unpublished EnglishUnpublished text titleTitle Unpublished English,tue
Translator EnglishEnglish lang. TranslatorTranslator English,tre

Unpublished Works: For unpublished material, enter Unpublished text title in the Type column of the Glossary Table (this corresponds to the Word style “title unpublished english,tue” for English works). This applies to all theses and dissertations not published by a commercial press. This does not apply to forthcoming works.

Forthcoming Works: Apply the Word styles just as you would for a work that is already published.

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