Thl's Online Tibetan Transliteration Converter > Recommended Programs For Specific Conversions-reversions Involving Tibetan Fonts

THL Toolbox > Tibetan Scripts, Fonts & Related Issues > Conversion-Reversion For Tibetan Fonts > Recommended Programs For Specific Conversions-reversions Involving Tibetan Fonts

Recommended Programs For Specific Conversions-reversions Involving Tibetan Fonts

Wylie Word and UDP are two of the main applications used for conversions involving Tibetan fonts. UDP is highly efficient for conversions to Tibetan Unicode from legacy Tibetan fonts like Sambhota and TMW, but sometimes falters with Wylie-related tasks. Wylie Word works well for documents already in Microsoft Word format, particularly for conversions involving EWTS, Unicode, and TMW. Consult the table below for information on specific types of conversions.

FromToOur Recommendation
ACIP TranscriptionTibetan UnicodeUse Universal Tibetan Font Converter
ALA-LC TranscriptionTibetan UnicodeUse Universal Tibetan Font Converter
BandridaTibetan UnicodeUse Universal Tibetan Font Converter
Beida FounderTibetan UnicodeUse Universal Tibetan Font Converter
JamyangTibetan UnicodeUse Universal Tibetan Font Converter
HuanguangTibetan UnicodeUse Universal Tibetan Font Converter
LTibetanTibetan UnicodeUse Universal Tibetan Font Converter
National Standard Extended TranscriptionTibetan UnicodeUse Universal Tibetan Font Converter
SambhotaTibetan UnicodeUse UDP
TCRC Bod-YigTibetan UnicodeUse Universal Tibetan Font Converter
THL Extended Wylie TranscriptionTibetan UnicodeUse THL's Online Tibetan Transliteration Converter and prep your text by reading Wylie to Tibetan Machine Unicode
Tibet MachineTibetan UnicodeHelp us make a recommendation by contacting us!
Tibet Machine WebTibetan UnicodeUse UDP or Jskad
Tibetan UnicodeTibet MachineHelp us make a recommendation by contacting us!
Tibetan UnicodeTibet Machine WebHelp us make a recommendation by contacting us!
Tibetan UnicodeTHL Extended WylieUse THL's Online Tibetan Transliteration Converter
Tibetan UnicodeTHL Simplified PhoneticsUse THL's Online Tibetan Phonetics Converter
TB-YoutsoTibetan UnicodeUse the TB Youtso Converter to Unicode
TongyuanTibetan UnicodeUse Universal Tibetan Font Converter

Other considerations

Jskad works on any platform running Java (including Mac, Windows, and Linux desktop systems). UDP works in Windows only, as well as in Linux using external link: Wine.

Batch Processing

Legacy fonts to Unicode

UDP allows for batch conversions using a command line interface using the "x" flag, followed by the output type and filename. The following command, for example, would convert a file written in a legacy encoding to Tibetan Unicode and then would save the resulting Unicode document in the RTF (Rich Text Format):

udp -x rtf somefile.txt

In a DOS console, a batch conversion from plain text files to RTF format would look something like this:

for %w in (*.txt) do udp -x rtf %w

Wylie and Unicode to THL's simplified phonetics

The conversion utility from external link: allows for conversion from Wylie and Unicode to THL phonetics using a command line interface. This can be used for batch process using native commands in DOS, BASH, or a script in Perl, Python, Ruby, and so on. To use, make sure you have perl installed by typing "perl -v". If Perl is installed, you should get a response with version and copyright information. If it is not installed, download Perl at external link:'s website and install. Next, external link: download the source code for the phonetic conversion tool and unzip the file. Change directories into "Lingua-BO-Wylie/bin" using the cd command (ex. "cd Lingua-BO-Wylie/bin"). Typing "./ -h" will give you the following instructions:

<pre>This is the command-line interface to the Tibetan Phonemic converter.

Use: [options] inputfile outputfile

The input file can be in Wylie or Tibetan Unicode. If it is Unicode, it should be encoded in UTF-8.

Options are:

-s style-name - which phonemic system to use; the default is THL. The other available style is 'rigpa-en'.

-r '//' - also reprint the tibetan before the pronounciation, separated by '//' (or whatever)

-j '-' - use '-' (or whatever character) to mark syllables belonging to a single word

-sep ' ' - use ' ' (or whatever) to separate syllables belonging to different words

-a - auto-split words based on a small built-in dictionary

-c '*' - use '*' (or whatever) to mark words to be capitalized

-h - get this help

Only one of -j, -sep or -a can be given. Default is auto-split.</pre>

The auto-split option is presently very limited so it is best to specify word separations yourself using the "sep" option and then manually adding separations into the input file.

Wylie and Unicode to THL Extended Wylie

The open source Perl module for converting to THL phonetics also contains a command line tool for converting Tibetan Unicode to EWTS and vice versa. Instructions are the same as above except the command for the Wylie utility is ./ To convert from Wylie to Unicode, simply type (omitting the quotes) "./ nameofinputfile nameofoutputfile. To do the reverse, add the "-u" option: "./ -u nameofinputfile nameofoutputfile.".

Generally speaking, the utility is significantly faster than Wylie Word and somewhat more stable than Jskad. It is therefore recommended to use the utility when converting text that is not inextricably wed to a specific file format like Word or RTF. ( and expect their input files to be simple UTF-8 encoded text files).

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library