Using Tibetan In Linux > Entering Chapter Data From Otani Catalog

THDL Toolbox > Tibetan Texts > Cataloging Tibetan Texts > Cataloging Workflow > Kangyur-Tengyur Cataloging Manual > Degé Kangyur-Tengyur Cataloging Form > Entering Chapter Data From Otani Catalog

Instructions for Entering Chapter Data from Otani Catalog

Contributor(s): Steve Weinberger, Bill McGrath

Enter Your Initials in the Status Page

Go to the wiki page that tracks the status for entering chapter data from the Otani catalog:

Tibetan Canons > Kangyur-Tengyur Cataloging Status Reports > Derge Kangyur-Tengyur Cataloging

Click on edit at the top of the page.

Scroll down to the Otani Catalog Chapter Data Entered table.

In the "Input By" column, enter your three-letter initials, followed by "working".

When you finish entering all the chapter data for that volume, replace "working" with the date, in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

Open the Word doc and Rename the File

Download the Word document by right-clicking on this link: external link: Otani Catalog Chapter titles and pagination.doc. Open the document and under the File menu select Save As and rename the file as follows:

If you enter data from the PDF Otani-Tengyur-Catalogue-II-1.pdf, name the Word document


"II-1" is the volume number and appears in the file name of the PDF file. "P5184" is the first text in the file; "P5480" is the last text in the file. The number appears on the first line of the entry for each text, at the left side of the line, in the format "No. ####". Replace the "No." with "P".

For each PDF file, create a new Word document.

Entering Chapter Data

There will not be chapter titles and pagination for every text entry. If there is no chapter data for a text, skip it and go to the next text. Do not create an entry for it in the Word document. Enter data ONLY for texts that have chapter information in the PDF.

You are entering data for the Degé edition of the text. The pagination for the Degé edition of the text is found at the right end of the line for each chapter, after the chapter title.

Set your computer to enter straight quotes ( ' ) rather than smart quotes ( ’ ). To do this, go to Tools menu > Autocorrect Options and then click the Autoformat as you type tab. In the "Replace as you Type" section, uncheck the box next to "Replace Straight Quotes with Smart Quotes" and then click OK.

Data Entry Process

Copy and paste the P#### and the table as it appears in the document for each entry you create. Or, you can copy and paste multiple times and then enter the data without having to copy and paste before you enter the data for each text. Then enter the data for each text as follows:

In the Otani Catalog (the PDF file), the entry for each text has an ID in the form "No. ####". This appears on the first line of the entry for each text, at the left side of the line. Replace the "No." with "P" and enter this in the H3 style in the Word document.

Then enter data in the table as follows:

Body Sections (B)

1chapter/section titlepaginationtitle code:paginationsection name (le'u)
2chapter/section titlepaginationtitle code:paginationsection name (le'u)

In Column 2, Enter the chapter title and its pagination.

1. Delete "chapter/section title" and enter the chapter title given in the PDF. Enter this title in THDL extended Wylie. While most of the data in the PDF is in THDL extended Wylie, some of it is not. Refer to the THDL Extended Wylie system at this URL:

external link:

You must make the following changes as you enter data from the PDF file:

Do NOT capitalize the first word of the chapter title

And then make the following changes:

Appears in OtaniEnter this data in Word Doc
enter what the ellipsis replaces. Usually this is le'u ste gnyis pa (or gsum pa or bzhi pa, etc); the first chapter in the list has the text that is replaced by the ellipsis, so you can copy and paste this in for the subsequent chapters. In some cases the ellipsis doesn't seem to represent anything, so if there's no obvious omission then just ignore the ellipsis and enter the title as it appears in the catalog.

Example: in the PDF file, the title for the first chapter is
Bsod-nams-la spro-ba bskyed-paḥi gtam ste daṅ po

In the PDF file, the title for the third chapter is:
Miḥi skyed-ba dkon-paḥi…

For this chapter title, you enter:
mi'i skye ba dkon pa'i gtam ste gsum pa/

Always add a / (shad) after the title, except in the following cases:

  1. If the last letter is ng, then enter a space after the ng and before the shad.
  2. If the last letter is g, then do NOT enter a shad.

If a shad occurs in the middle of the title, insert an underscore ( _ ) AFTER the shad and before the first letter of the next word.

Example: sems pa/_mngon shes dang /_'du byed kyi le'u ste gsum pa/

NOTE: be careful when typing in the Wylie. Do NOT enter any extra spaces or any other extra characters. Every space in Wylie will be converted into a tsheg (the inter-syllabic dot) in the Tibetan font and extra spaces will cause there to be extra dots.

2. After the /, leave a space and then in parentheses enter the pagination for the chapter title itself. This indicates exactly where the chapter title occurs. If the entire chapter title of a chapter entitled "le'u dang po" occurs on 34a.6, then the entry in the second column looks like this:
le'u dang po/ (34a.6)

If the chapter title begins on page 34a line 5 and ends on page 34a line six, then the entry in the second column looks like this:
le'u dang po/ (34a.5-34a.6)

NOTE: if for a chapter the Otani catalog gives chapter pagination but no chapter title, then in the second column enter
being sure to capitalize the "U" and also including the period at the end of the word.

In Column 3, Enter the Pagination for the Chapter

In column three, enter the pagination for the entire chapter (in the Otani catalog, this information for the Degé edition of the text, which is what you are entering, is at the right side of the page, following the chapter title).

Use the pagination given for the end of the previous chapter as the beginning of the chapter for which you are entering data. So if chapter 2 ends on 123a.5, then the beginning pagination for chapter 3 is 123a.5.

The format for pagination is as follows. If the previous chapter ends on 123a.5 and the chapter you are entering data for ends on 126b.7, enter this in column 3:

Always use the full pagination for both the beginning and ending page. That is, do NOT abbreviate the above example to 123a.5-6b.7

Other Columns in the Table

DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO THEM. Just leave them as they are.

Number of Chapters in the Text

If the text has more chapters than are in the table, copy and paste to create more lines. You will need to change the number in column one so that it is consecutive.

If the text has fewer chapters than are in the table, delete the lines of the table in which you did not enter data. So if you entered data for a text that has 7 chapters, delete the lines from the table for chapters 8-16.

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